
What does a Life:Remixed look like?

Thank you for finding your way to Life:Remixed!  I am by no means a "blogger" by trade, but I do feel it is important for everyone to discover who they are, and once they find out what it is, to share that with the world.  For me, accepting Christ as my personal savior on November 20, 2009 changed my life forever.  For eleven years I had been searching for "something."  I never felt complete; always yearning.  God moved so many pieces in my life, and it just took putting my complete, unwavering faith in his Son, Jesus Christ to know God.  This has profoundly changed my life.  I hope as I grow, and this blog grows, you too come along for the journey.  While we all have different paths in life, there is only one true destination.  It is my intent, that as I share stories, scripture, and personal information about myself, it prompts you to question things in your own life, and if appropriate, take action and grow.  I welcome any and all comments, and look forward to having an open dialogue with you, my brothers and sisters. 

A man who I admire greatly, Dr. Pete Sulak, opens all of his discussions with the following: "My brother's and sisters.  Tonight, I may offend some of you.  In fact, I may have already offended you.  Just know that I have offended you with the truth."  Like Dr. Sulak, enclosed in these pages will be "my truth."  I am not asking for you to agree with it, or adopt it as your own.  We are all a piece of something much greater than ourselves.  My hope is that while we acknowledge and respect eachothers' stories and lives, we come to the realization that we are all a part of the same cloth.

Galatians 5:13-15 tells us, "13You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." 15If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other."  I hope that you find this a safe forum to voice your opinion and have your Life:Remixed.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this blog up! It is a beautiful thing what Christ can do in someone's life. I look foward to reading your other posts. Just remember, as a new Christian, just beginning your journey - there will be times of disappointment or struggle. Remember that God has a plan for you and wants only the best for you so be patient, don't give up, and always have an open dialogue/prayer with the Lord!
